Solar Electric Products At Guaranteed Lowest Prices On The Planet !

Thousands Of Satisfied Customers !

With many years in the solar electric industry and more than fifteen thousand satisfied customers worldwide, we are the nations foremost distributor of renewable energy systems. From Africa to Germany and Alaska to the tip of Florida our customers have discovered the Discount Solar Supply advantage ! 

Here's a small sampling of some of our customers : 

The California Department of Transportation. (Caltrans)

The United State Marine Corp.

Phelps Dodge (One of the world's largest  mining company)

Unocal Corporation


Boeing Aircraft

The US Forestry Service

Coachella Valley Water District

The Las Vegas Police Department

The US Department of Agriculture

Wake Forest University

The Wildlands Conservancy

NASA Ames Research Center

The list goes on and on !

Our unsurpassed buying power means not only the best price but the best product availability in the industry !

Our expert shipping department staff is here to make sure that product is received and shipped out in the most efficient method possible !




Financing Option 1


$0 Down And No Interest For One Full Year

Up To $25,000.00 Loan Amount

660 FICO Score

No Collateral Needed !

No Retroactive Interest. Interest Charges Begin After Twelve Months !

No Prepayment Penalties

Call Us 541-829-3892



Financing Option 2


$0 Down Home Equity Line Of Credit

Up To $500,000.00 Loan Amount

670 FICO Score

Introductory Rate 2.99% APR*

(Applies to balances on the first 9 monthly statement cycles after the account open date)

Later Variable Rate As Low As 4.25% APR*

Convert All Or Part Of Your Variable-Rate Credit Line Into A Fixed-Rate Payment Option At Any Time.!

Interest Payments May Be Tax Deductible

Call Us 541-829-3892



Financing Option 3



To learn more about financing through Admirals Bank, please visit its website here 

Or contact:

Dean G. Charpentier

Home Improvement Loan Advisor

NMLS # 940301

15 Park Row West, Providence, RI 02903

Tel:  (401) 248-7354 

Cell: (401) 626-5012

Email directly:

Apply at:



Financing Option 4




Your unsecured solar loan comes with no fees, down payment requirements or prepayment penalties of any kind.



  • Competitive, fixed-interest rates and affordable monthly payments.

  • A hassle-free alternative to home equity loans and HELOCs.

  • No collateral requirements or lien against your home.

  • Take advantage of Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency.

Solar Loans from LightStream: Green Loans for Green Projects

With the cost of energy rising to record-high levels, there has never been a better time to equip your home with an energy-efficient solar energy system. At LightStream, they make it easy for borrowers with good-to-excellent credit to get the solar panel financing they need. Their uncomplicated lending platform can be used to finance or refinance most any purchase, including solar paneling. 

An Unsecured Solar Loan

In today’s economic climate, with home values still on the road to recovery, even borrowers with good credit cannot count on securing a home equity loan to finance solar installation projects. An unsecured solar loan from LightStream is a welcome financial solution. You’ll have the peace of mind that comes with avoiding a line of credit that could be reduced or eliminated and, as a reward for your good credit; you won’t be required to pledge your home as collateral. You’ll get the solar installation loan you need without having to deal with a lien against your home or other valuable assets. 

Smart Project, Smart Loan

Solar power systems have been shown to reduce monthly energy costs while simultaneously increasing the resale value of your home, meaning you’ll not only be lowering your energy costs and helping the environment, but also getting a return on your investment as well. A loan with LightStream is an equally smart financial decision. In addition to providing a low interest rate, your unsecured solar loan comes with no fees, down payment requirements or prepayment penalties of any kind. 

Solar Panel Financing Made Easy

A LightStream loan is a virtually paperless loan process, which means that LightStream not only save our natural resources but they save on expenses as well, better enabling them to offer you highly competitive interest rates. LightStream's fast, simple loan application is completed and submitted online. LightStream’s team of underwriters will review your solar loan application and email you a quick response during business hours. Getting alternative energy financing has never been easier.







Install Your Solar System Now And No Payment Due Until November Of 2018 !


  • No Credit Score Requirements

  • Low, Fixed Payments

  • Make Payments with Your Property Taxes

  • Balance Transfers to New Property Owner Upon Sale*

  • Interest Is Tax Deductible**

  • Contractor Installed Or DIY Installed It's Your Choice !




Thinking About A Solar Lease ?

Better Think Again !

1. Add up your payments on that zero down solar lease and you'll find that you'll be paying up to triple the cost for a solar system when compared to purchasing a solar system.

Why do the leasing companies charge you so much more for their systems ? Because their investors get a bigger tax credit when they charge you more for your leased system.

2. The zero down solar leasing company will take any cash rebate and the 30% Federal tax credit that would have gone to you if you bought your system instead.

3. You'll probably have trouble selling your home because most home buyers will not want to assume the lease payment on a used solar system that's using yesterday's technology. Especially since they would only be saving a fraction on their electric bill.

4. Your monthly lease payment may increase by up to 2.9% per year.

5. After making 20 years worth of lease payments, the solar system will still belong to the leasing company.

6. At year 20 if you owned your solar system, your system would have up to another 15 to 20 years worth of income generating potential. When you lease a solar system, at year 20, you'll have to give your solar system back to the leasing company or you'll have to buy it from them at fair market value if you want to keep it.

7. And to add insult to injury, with the weather worsening like it is and and power outages on the increase, with a solar lease you probably won't have any backup solar power.

So when the lights go out in your neighborhood, even while the Sun is shining and even though you've made all those leasing payments on all those solar panels on your roof, most leased solar system are designed to turn themselves off, leaving you without power for as long as the power outage lasts.

In fact, in most cases you won't even be allowed to add battery backup power to your leased solar system's inverter. You would have to completely pay off 20 years worth of lease payments, then buy your leased solar system from the leasing company and then and only then would you be allowed to add an emergency power option to your leased solar system.

And Good Luck With Ever Selling Your Home With A Solar Lease Attached To It.


Before you sign that airtight leasing contract, you had better have your attorney and your accountant read the fine print. When compared to purchasing a solar system, especially as low as prices are today, a solar lease will probably turn out to be one of the worst investments that you'll ever make.



Click Here To View The Simple Chart That Your Solar Lease/PPA Salesman Prays You Never See !




Click below for a quick, no obligation, no pressure, high
tech solar quote without the inconvenience of a salesperson in your home.

Bring Us Your Best Quote On The Same Solar System And We'll Beat That Quote Hands Down.


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The Solar Lease Trap

Know The Facts Before You Sign That Airtight Lease Or PPA Contract !


Click Here To View The Simple Chart That Your Solar Lease/PPA Salesman Hopes You Never See !


* "The Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 2.99% is for home equity line of credit accounts only and applies to balances on the first nine monthly statement cycles after the account open date. To receive this rate, the application must be submitted between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018, and the loan must close by February 28, 2018. This special offer is for a limited time only and cannot be combined with any other offers or special promotions. The variable APR is 4.25% for line amounts of $50,000 or more. This rate includes a 0.25% discount for maintaining an automatic payment deposit account with lender. Your margin, rate and payment may differ based upon loan amount, collateral value, credit history and additional banking relationships. After the introductory rate expires, your rate will never be lower than 3.50% or higher than 18%. APR is a variable rate that will change based on the prime rate as published in the Midwest edition of the Wall Street Journal plus a margin. A cash advance fee of $2 to $15 applies. $350 early termination fee, if account is closed within the first two years for Florida customers. $500 early termination fee, if account is closed within the first three years for California customers. $50 annual fee (waived the first year) for Florida customers. $65 annual fee (waived the first year) for California customers. No appraisal and title costs for credit line amounts less than or equal to $500,000. A security interest will be taken in your home. Property insurance is required and flood insurance may be required. Lender reserves the right to modify or end this offer at any time. Subject to credit approval"



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