Bringing You The Power Of The Sun At Down To Earth Prices !


Download the IronRidge Pitched Roof Mounting Systems Spec Sheet

Click here to learn about the one biggest mistake you can make when buying a solar system for your home !

Click here to learn about your state's solar incentive program in a nutshell !



The 30% Solar Power Tax Credit Has Been Extended !

If you've been thinking about eliminating your electric bill with a grid tie solar system for your home or business, it's now time to celebrate !

 That's an incredible 30% with no cap for residential and commercial installations !



Looking For A Complete Professional Installation?

Turnkey solar solutions.

Solar installation contractor.

Click Here For Everything From Engineering To Installation


Have Your System Installed By One Of Our Referred Contractors Or If You're Experienced, Install Your System Yourself With Our Free Expert Assistance.

Do it youself solar installation.

Save Thousands By Installing Your Own Solar System. We Can Help !

Click Here To Learn More



A Solar System May Actually Increase Your Home's Resale Value

According to a recent study by ICF Consulting (funded by HUD and the EPA) energy saving measures such as solar can add $20 of home value for every $1 of yearly energy cost savings.



Click Here For A Word About Installations



Why Do We Post Our System Prices While Our Competitors Simply Refuse To ?

Click here to learn how to avoid the typical tactics that are used by sales people to convince you to buy their overpriced solar systems.



Some Of The Longest Warranties In The Industry

While some brands only offer a 20 or less warranty. The solar panels that are used in these solar come with a 25 year manufacturer's warranty.



State-of-the-art engineering and module production ensures that these solar modules have one of the tightest power tolerances in the industry (+/- 3%). These modules frequently outperform their production estimates due in part to reducing losses from module mismatching. In their factory, modules with matching characteristics are paired together so that the actual power value per pair actually exceeds the nominal output power for each carton.

The Tighter The Tolerance The Better Your Assurance Of Getting The Power You Paid For.

Click To Learn More


These solar panels use solar cells that have been cut from solid ingots of silicon.

When shopping for solar panels, always insist on solar panels that use solar cells that have been cut from a solid silicon ingot.

Many of the solar panels that are on the market that use solar cells that are not cut from solid silicon ingots may offer far lower efficiencies, poorer tolerances or lesser warranties.



Simply Better Components

In an effort to be more competitive, many dealers have resorted to offering thin light duty mounting rails that require many more roof penetrations, solar panels with poorer per Watt PTC ratings and lesser warranties and or solar panels that use cells that are not cut from a solid ingot of silicon.
Here at Discount Solar Supply
we never skimp on quality. Every system that we sell includes only the very best heavy duty components available on today's market.
And that's not just talk. In a side by side comparison we'll prove why our name brand top of the line equipment outperforms the competition hands down at a price that can't be beat.

Your Solar Investment Is Only As Secure As The Mounting System That You Choose.

That's Why We Chose IronRidge Mounting Solutions For Our High Performance Solar Systems.

High Strength Mounting Rails

Extruded aluminum rails have a long proven history in the solar industry. Extruded aluminum's efficient load bearing design lends itself perfectly for securing your investment into solar onto your roof's surface.

Iron Ridge High Performance Solar Racking

Low Cost, Light Weight C Shaped Rails Without A Factory Warranty Are Not Permitted In Any Of Our Systems.

The thinner C shaped rail that many other dealers offer provides a flimsier design and don't even come with a factory warranty. To prove our point ask your dealer to provide a sample of their C shaped mounting rail. Lay the sample on its side and simply stand on it.

Note what happens to this rail. Next try the same thing with a rail from IronRidge and you'll know right away which design offers you more piece of mind.

 Because many C shaped rails use far less aluminum, the result is a flimsier design which will require many more holes drilled into your roof to provide the rigidity that is necessary to support the solar panels. Drilling more holes into your roof can increase labor costs as well as increase the risk of a leak.

Also IronRidge's tall rail provides more air flow for increased cooling. Solar electric panels work off of light not heat. Heat is a solar panel's worst enemy, the cooler a solar panels is, the more power it will produce.

Always ask your dealer to show you a sample of the mounting rails the he's going to use on your roof. ******

Important: If you've been provided with a quote with no mention of the brand or model number of the mounting system that your dealer is using, then we can almost guaranty that the dealer is probably trying to sell you one of the many low cost, thin aluminum racks that are available on the market. This is a common practice amongst less reputable  dealers. Always demand to see a full list of material including brands and models and ALWAYS ask for a copy of the mounting system's factory warranty.



Unmatched Service

  • Our experienced staff will help you choose the right system.

  • We'll also help you fill out the State's paperwork.

  •  Use our referral list of licensed contractors and licensed electricians to professionally install your system or hire your own preferred installer. The choice is yours.++

  • Our factory authorized service center will be here
    if you ever need our services.


We're Here To Help

We understand that solar energy may be new for you and that you may have many questions regarding your purchase, that's ok, you'll find that our staff is not only knowledgeable and friendly but actually enthusiastic about helping a customer with a new installation. All of us Here at Discount Solar Supply believes firmly in a clean renewable " Solar Electric Future " and anything that we can do to make that future a reality is our mission.

Download the IronRidge Pitched Roof Mounting Systems Spec Sheet

Click here to learn about the one biggest mistake you can make when buying a solar system for your home !

Click here to learn more about grid intertie systems

Click here to learn about your state's solar incentive program in a nutshell !


Attention !


If you've received a quote from Home Depot®, any SunPower® dealer or from any dealer for that matter, bring it to us and we'll beat it hands down !

In fact in most cases we can save you thousands of dollars. Not only will we beat their price but you'll receive top of the line, name brand product and the service and support that you deserve !*






3.52 To 12.80 DC kW Peak, Solar Power Systems


We're so confident that we offer the finest solar systems available at the best price, that we'll beat any nationally advertised price on this same, in stock, top of the line, big name brand solar system or your system is free.






Click below for a quick, no obligation, no pressure, solar quote, without the inconvenience of an aggressive salesperson in your home.

Free Solar Quote

We'll beat any nationally advertised, in stock price on our same, top of the line, grid tied solar systems or your system is free!







Quantities Are Limited

First Come First Served !





3.525 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price

4.230 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price

5.170 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price

6.110 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price

7.050 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price

8.460 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price

9.400 STC kW



Sale Priced At

Super Sale Price






Freedom Grid Tie Solar Kit

The Freedom Series Systems Includes All Of The Following :

Famous Maker 235 To 280 Watt Solar Panels With A 25 Year Factory Warranty.

High Quality, High Peak Efficiency Rated Inverters With An Integrated DC Disconnect And Display.

Qty. 1 Set High Quality U.S. IronRidge Racking Rails, L-Feet, Mid Clamps, End Clamps, Rail Slices And Grounding Lugs Arranged In Portrait Mode Of Multiple Parallel Rows. Optional Tile Hooks Or Flashings Sold Separately.

Integrated High Voltage DC Disconnect Switch.

External Lockable AC Disconnect Switch

Includes 100' Sections Of Real PV Wiring (Not Lesser Expensive USE 2 Wire) With MC Quick Connect Plugs.

Includes Electrical Line Drawings.

Includes a 10 year inverter warranty and A 25 year solar panel warranty.



Click Here For Pictures Of All You'll Get In A Sample 5.17 kW Kit  !



Ask Your Sales Representative How You Can Qualify For The Following Free, "Sunsational" Bonus Pack Offer !

Free System & Roof Layout Design Assistance !

And finally as part of our "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer, unlike the cookie cutter solar kits offered by many of our competitors, we'll provide you with free assistance with customizing your system's design and roof layout.


Free Lifetime Telephone Technical Support Assistance !

Free Solar Tech Support

Also as part of our "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer, you'll also receive free lifetime telephone tech support from one of the oldest names in the industry.





Ask Your Sales Representative How You Can Qualify For The Following Free, "Sunsational" Bonus Offer !



While the other dealers might provide you with only a schematic or a single line diagram or in most cases, nothing at all, take advantage of our limited time "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer and on these 5 kW or larger systems, you'll receive a commercially prepared Residential Permit Package that includes a detailed cover sheet, formal site plan, formal roof layout, attachment details, single line diagram and a detailed three line electrical diagram that will make your permitting process so much easier, a $600.00 Value !++++

Click Here To View A Sample Residential Permit Package









Click below for a quick, no obligation, no pressure, solar quote, without the inconvenience of an aggressive salesperson in your home.

Free Solar Quote

Bring Us Your Best Quote On The Same Solar System And We'll Beat That Quote Hands Down.








Click On This Map To See Your State's Solar Financial Incentives.





Coal Power Plant




Click below for a quick, no obligation, no pressure, solar quote, without the inconvenience of an aggressive salesperson in your home.

Free Solar Quote

Bring Us Your Best Quote On The Same Solar System And We'll Beat That Quote Hands Down.







We Challenge Anyone To Find A Higher Performance, Higher Quality, Better Priced Solar System From Any Dealer In The Country.

Compare These Premium, Power Solar™ Investment Grade Solar Systems To Many Of Our Competitor's Offerings And You'll Find That We Offer:

High quality, name brand solar panels.

High quality, high peak efficiency inverters with a DC disconnect and display.

Solar cells that are cut from a solid ingot of silicon.

No Canadian Lower Efficiency UMG Solar Cells.

A better negative tolerance rating.

High tech, IronRidge Racking mounting System.

No low efficiency thin film or thin cells in our solar panels.

No toxic cadmium in these solar panels.

And a much, much lower price than the competition.



Chevy Bolt Electric Vehicle

If you've been considering a grid tie solar system for your home or business, and you've been eyeing one of those slick new plug in hybrid or pure electric vehicles or the idea of driving around on free fuel for life sounds appealing, well then it's now time to celebrate ! After nearly a year of debates and nine previous attempts, Congress finally approved a bill that not only extends the Federal 30% tax credit for solar. That's an incredible 30% with no cap for residential and commercial installations !

And if that is isn't great enough news, how about a $7,500.00 Federal tax credit on the purchase of a brand new plug in hybrid or pure electric vehicle !





Electric Meter


With the cost of electricity going through the roof, it is now time to start thinking about your energy budget as a whole.

New carbon reduction legislation is being introduced in the U.S. that will cause a dramatic increase in electric rates. You can't make your own gasoline and you can't make your own natural gas, but now you CAN make your own electricity. And the best part about it is that the fuel to make own electricity falls from the sky everyday for free. 

Thousands of utility customers throughout the U.S., who were tired of the high cost of electricity have taken advantage of the huge rebates and tax credits which are available for the installation of solar energy systems on their homes and businesses.

For example, the Federal Government is offering a 30% tax credit with absolutely no cap residential and commercial applications. And unlike like the old solar energy systems of yesteryear that only produced hot water, these new systems actually produce electricity ! Clean reliable electricity to power air conditioning, lights, TVs, pumps, refrigerators, computers, virtually any appliance with free energy from the Sun.

The staff Here at Discount Solar Supply are experts in the design and implementation of systems that qualify for many State rebate programs. We offer free assistance in the design of your system and can even assist you with the submission of your application to your State.

Depending on the size system you choose and the number of loads you have running during the day, it is actually possible watch the power company's meter run backwards.


The Freedom Series of Grid Intertie systems are perfect for reducing your monthly electric bill. No batteries are needed because this system utilizes a grid intertie power conditioning unit. You'll actually become a mini power company selling power back to your utility company while the sun is shining. If your power production exceeds your power consumption, depending on the type of meter you have you will be able to actually watch your meter run backwards, what a sight !


Call toll free at 541-829-3892 for further information concerning this system.




Many states as well as local municipalities permit the home owner to perform a self installation of this system as long as the system is installed according to current NEC electrical codes. Although this may be permitted, Discount Solar Supply LLC highly recommends that the installation of this system be performed only by a licensed electrician.

*This 7 cents per kWh cost estimate is based on a standard concrete tile or composition shingle roof mount installation using one of our $1.35 per watt Freedom series grid tie solar systems installed at a cost of $1.30 per watt or less with no barriers to installation that would add additional costs to the installation and are after the 30% federal tax credit has been applied to your system cost**  The 7 cents per kWh estimate mentioned above may be as low as 5 cents per kWh should you decide to perform a DIY installation. These calculations do take into consideration your estimated cost to replace two inverters at year 11 to 13 and year 22 to 24 and your estimated cost for labor to possibly replace no more than four failed solar modules and are calculated over the the 30 year life expectancy of this system. This kWh costs for energy estimate is based on a cash purchase and does not consider the cost of financing should you decide to borrow the money to purchase your system and does not consider any possible return on investment if you had decided to invest your money elsewhere. This kWh costs for energy estimate is dependent on a 100% net metering compensation policy with no additional utility company net metering fees or time of use mandates. Your kilowatt hour costs may vary if your site does not meet these requirements. The 7 cents per kWh estimate mentioned above is dependent upon an installation labor rate of no than $1.30 per watt and is also dependent upon at least 5 hours of average peak sunshine per day.

Installation of the above listed system exposes the installer to voltages and currents that are considered lethal and can cause injury or even death if not installed properly. The decision to self install any part of this system is entirely up to the consumer's discretion. Discount Solar Supply LLC assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, consequential or incidental, which might arise out of the installation or use of any of these products. Self installation of any of the above listed products shall be entirely at the user's risk.

Only one system per household at these discount prices. No layaways or rain checks permitted. Sale may end without notice.

Depending on availability, the inverter included in the above system may differ from the inverter pictured above but will have the same or better performance specifications. 

This is a limited time offer. No layaways or rain checks. Only one system per household, person or business at this specially discounted price. Sorry no exceptions.

System only includes the items that are listed above. System does not include lag bolts, caulking, bare copper grounding wire or AC circuit breakers. These low cost items will differ from installation to installation and and can be purchased at any local hardware store and should be supplied by the installation contractor once he or she has determined your specific requirements based on the assessment of your site.

*The above system price does not include sales tax or installation.
If you live in California then sales tax will apply to the base price. The average installation rate for the above system is approximately $1.00 to $2.00 per Watt. This installation estimate does not included permit fees or unusual engineering requirements. Tax credit amounts are approximations. Please see your tax preparer to make sure that you qualify for this tax credit in the manner in which it has been presented here. Shipping is extra.

**(Your rebate amount if any may vary depending on expected system performance and will be calculated based on equipment ratings and installation factors, such as geographic location, solar module tilt angle and azimuth angle and shading.) Please note that many states and or utilities will use the the AC rating of the your system's equipment and not the DC rating of your system's equipment when determining the amount of your rebate. The AC rating of your equipment is typically calculated by multiplying the PTC rated output of your solar panels by the number of solar panels multiplied by the CEC weighted efficiency of your inverter, multiplied by your system's design factor which is based on module tilt angle, azimuth angle, shading and geographic location, multiplied by the current per AC watt rebate amount. Please contact your state or utility company to determine equipment ratings and exactly how your rebate will be calculated and what your rebate amount will be. In the event that you have paid Discount Solar Supply LLC a deposit or have paid in full for the purchase of a grid tie solar system and you are unable to secure an approval on your rebate reservation from your state or utility company’s rebate administrator, we hereby agree to issue you a full refund of your deposit or a full refund of the full payment that you made to us toward the purchase of your solar system so long as the product has not been shipped to you. In the event that you have paid in full and your solar system’s components have already been shipped to you and you are unable to secure an approval of your rebate reservation from your utility company’s rebate administrator, Discount Solar Supply LLC hereby agrees to issue you a full refund of the full payment minus shipping costs, upon the return of the solar system’s unused, undamaged equipment so long as said equipment is returned to our warehouse within 30 days of its delivery to your site. Please note that as a courtesy, Discount Solar Supply LLC offers free assistance to its customers in filling out their rebate applications but assumes no liability or responsibility for securing a rebate for you nor any liability or responsibility for securing any specific rebate amount. For this reason Discount Solar Supply LLC highly recommends that you wait until you have received your rebate reservation confirmation before taking delivery of your solar system’s components. If you have paid in full for your solar system and have not yet received an approval for your rebate reservation, Discount Solar Supply LLC will store your solar system for you at no charge until you have received your rebate reservation approval.

***Peak sunshine is defined as sunshine which is available during clear sky conditions between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM. The 5 to 6 hour peak sunshine energy production examples depicted above are meant for reference purposes only, and are typical only for certain areas of Southern California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Your site's number of peak sunshine hours and thus your system's performance will vary depending on factors such as, geographic location, the angle at which your solar panels are tilted, time of year, degree of annual cloud cover, pollutants in the air, dirt and guano (bird droppings) build up on the solar modules, time of day, solar module age, obstacles to sunlight such as trees and buildings, and the direction that the solar modules are pointed at.

**** Your home value increase results if any, may vary significantly from this example. To determine the actual amount that your home might appreciate after installing this solar electric system, please consult a licensed appraiser. Information concerning ICF's findings is being presented for informational purposes only. The decision as to whether or not to include these finding when calculating any return on investment or payback time is solely up to the consumer. Discount Solar Supply LLC is not in the business of accessing home values and hereby makes no claim whatsoever regarding the accuracy or validity of the ICF report.

*****Illustrations may not be to exact scale or shape. Illustrations depicting competing products are not representative of any particular manufacturer's brand or model. The photos that are depicted above, if any, are of large ground mount, multi-megawatt solar installations and are not meant to illustrate the specific products that are included in this particular system. The products that are included in the system are listed above under the heading: "The xxxx System Includes All Of The Following:"

++Discount Solar Supply, Inc. maintains a nationwide list of contractors/installers that may be provided to our customers upon request solely as a convenience. Discount Solar Supply LLC is not a contractor and as such we do not sub-contract installation services to anyone. In addition we do not make contractor/installer recommendations. And as always, we highly recommend that you always verify that any contractor or installer that you are considering possesses the necessary licensing, certification, bonding and insurance. In addition, always check references before signing any contact. The decision to use any contractor/installer on this list is entirely at your own risk. Should you decide to use any contractor/installer from this list, you hereby agree that Discount Solar Supply LLC under no circumstance shall be held liable for the following: (1) third-party claims against you for damages; (2) loss of, or damage to, your person or property; or (3) economic consequential damages (including lost profits, savings or interest paid) or incidental damages even if we are informed of their possibility.

The trademarks named in this website are the property of their respective owners and have no relation to Discount Solar Supply LLC

Unless you are purchasing a battery back up grid tie solar system that includes batteries and a specially designed grid tie battery back up inverter and have connected that system to a subpanel that is isolated from your site's main electrical panel, then as required by law, this solar system as well as the majority of solar systems that are offered on this website will deactivate in the event of a power failure whether or not the sun is shining. The vast majority of grid tie solar systems that are sold in the U.S. are designed to operate in this way. If you require backup power during a power failure then please ask your sales representative to quote you on a solar system that includes batteries and an inverter has been specifically designed to provide backup power during a power outage. 

The financial incentives that are presented here are for informational purposes only and may change or be eliminated by the government or utility or other entity without notice at any time. Discount Solar Supply LLC makes no representation as to the accuracy of the financial incentives that are presented here and highly recommends that the consumer contact the entity that is offering these financial incentives to confirm their availability before making a purchase.

++++Most municipalities do not require a "wet stamp" (engineer's stamp) on solar system permit applications but there are some that do. Please note that the above described residential permit package does not include a "wet stamp" (engineer's stamp). If your municipality requires a stamp, you may purchase a stamp for an additional fee.

Prices subject to change without notice.



Copyright © 2018 Discount Solar Supply