Bringing You The Power Of The Sun At Down To Earth Prices !


Earn $250.00 For Every Friend That You Refer, Who Buys One Of Our Incredibly Priced, High Performance, 4kW Or Larger, Investment Grade, Grid Tie Solar Systems !

What Could Be Simpler Than Spreading The Word About The Lowest Prices On The Highest Performance Solar Products On The Planet.

Click Here For Details

Click Here To Get Started In Solar In 3 Easy Steps !


Click Below For The Answers That You're Seeking

1. How does the whole process of reducing or eliminating my electric bill while getting a cash rebate and tax credit work ?

2. What does this complete system include ?

3. Why is this overall system better than what the other dealers are offering ?

4. What is the cash rebate and tax credit all about ?

5. Tell me more about the high performance components in this system.

6. Why do you post your pricing and equipment while most other dealers won't ?

7. Tell me why should buy from Discount Solar Supply instead of another dealer ?

8. Give me the information that I need so I can ask the right questions when shopping for a solar system.

A Solar System May Actually Increase Your Home's Resale Value

According to a recent study by ICF Consulting (funded by HUD and the EPA) energy saving measures such as solar can add $20 of home value for every $1 of yearly energy cost savings.

Spin Your Meter Backwards.

Click here to watch a short video sent to us by one of our Long Island, New York customers. turn your speakers up, you've got to see and hear this.

Click Here For A Word About Installations.

We're One Of The Oldest Most Trusted Companies In The Solar Electric Industry was created by Discount Solar Supply one of the oldest, most trusted names in the solar industry. Take a look at our history and you'll find that we've been selling top of the line solar products directly to the public far longer than Home Depot®, BP Solar®, Sunpower® and GE Solar®. In fact when it comes to experience, we've been in the solar electric business longer than 98% of the solar companies in business today.

Why Do We Post Our System Prices While Our Competitors Simply Refuse To ?

Click here to learn how to avoid the typical tactics that are used by sales people to convince you to buy their overpriced solar systems.

Some Of The Longest Warranties In The Industry

While some brands only offer a 20 or less warranty. The solar panels that are used in these Discount Solar Supply come with a 25 year manufacturer's warranty. The inverters come with a 10 year factory warranty, which are among the longest warranties in the industry.

Before You Buy !

Click here to learn ten buying tips to use when shopping for a solar system.

These solar panels use solar cells that have been cut from solid ingots of silicon.

When shopping for solar panels, always insist on solar panels that use solar cells that have been cut from a solid silicon ingot.

Many of the solar panels that are on the market that use solar cells that are not cut from solid silicon ingots may offer lower efficiencies, poorer tolerances or lesser warranties.

No thin film, ribbons, bows or strings attached.

Learn About The Potential Weak Link That Exists In Many Of Our Competitor's Solar Systems. This Is Something That You Should Absolutely Be Aware Of Before Spending A Dime On Any Solar System !

Click Here To Learn More

This System Is guaranteed To Meet Or Exceed All Eight Of The Following Criteria.









We encourage you to compare any other dealer's offering to the eight critical criteria that are provide by this system.

Click Here To Learn The Eight Specifications That You Absolutely Must Compare When Shopping For A Solar System.

Simply Better Components

In an effort to be more competitive, many dealers have resorted to offering thin light duty mounting rails that require many more roof penetrations, solar panels with poorer per Watt PTC ratings and lesser warranties and or solar panels that use cells that are not cut from a solid ingot of silicon.
Here at Discount Solar Supply we never skimp on quality. Every system that we sell includes only the very best heavy duty components available on today's market.
And that's not just talk. In a side by side comparison we'll prove why our name brand top of the line equipment outperforms the competition hands down at a price that can't be beat.

Your Solar Investment Is Only As Secure As The Mounting System That You Choose.

That's Why We Chose IronRidge Mounting Solutions For Our High Performance Solar Systems.

High Strength Mounting Rails

Extruded aluminum rails have a long proven history in the solar industry. Extruded aluminum's efficient load bearing design lends itself perfectly for securing your investment into solar onto your roof's surface.

Iron Ridge High Performance Solar Racking

Low Cost, Light Weight C Shaped Rails Without A Factory Warranty Are Not Permitted In Any Of Our Systems.

The C shaped rail that many other dealers offer provides a flimsier design and don't even come with a factory warranty. To prove our point ask your dealer to provide a sample of their C shaped mounting rail. Lay the sample on its side and simply stand on it.

Note what happens to this rail. Next try the same thing with a box beam rail from IronRidge and you'll know right away which design offers you more piece of mind.

 Because many C shaped rails use far less aluminum, the result is a flimsier design which will require many more holes drilled into your roof to provide the rigidity that is necessary to support the solar panels. Drilling more holes into your roof can increase labor costs as well as increase the risk of a leak.

Also IronRidge's tall rail provides more air flow for increased cooling. Solar electric panels work off of light not heat. Heat is a solar panel's worst enemy, the cooler a solar panels is, the more power it will produce.

Always ask your dealer to show you a sample of the mounting rails the he's going to use on your roof. ******

Important: If you've been provided with a quote with no mention of the brand or model number of the mounting system that your dealer is using, then we can almost guaranty that the dealer is probably trying to sell you one of the many low cost, thin aluminum racks that are available on the market. This is a common practice amongst less reputable  dealers. Always demand to see a full list of material including brands and models and ALWAYS ask for a copy of the mounting system's factory warranty.

Why Choose Discount Solar Supply ?

Click here to learn why you should choose Discount Solar Supply over the competition.

Unmatched Service

  • Our experienced staff will help you choose the right system.

  • We'll also help you fill out the State's paperwork.

  •  Use our referral list of experienced, licensed contractors and licensed electricians to professionally install your system or hire your own preferred installer. The choice is yours.++

  • Our factory authorized service center (One of the oldest and most experienced in California) will be here
    if you ever need our services.

Here's A Shopping Tip

Just because a company makes  a great TV or other household appliance doesn't necessarily mean that they make a great solar panel. Some of the poorest performing solar panels are made by some of the biggest names in the industry.

Never rely solely on a salesperson to tell you what's a great product and what's not. We'll provide you with all of the resources that you would ever need, including specification sheets from our competitors offerings, so that you can make your own educated decision about solar panel performance and compare for yourself. After all, solar panels have the potential to last 30 years or more, so even minor differences in performance can make a big difference in the long run.

We're Here To Help

We understand that solar energy may be new for you and that you may have many questions regarding your purchase, that's ok, you'll find that our staff is not only knowledgeable and friendly but actually enthusiastic about helping a customer with a new installation. All of us here at Discount Solar Supply believes firmly in a clean renewable " Solar Electric Future " and anything that we can do to make that future a reality is our mission.

Download the Astronergy CHSM 6610P solar panel spec sheet

Download the IronRidge Solar Mounting Systems spec sheet

Click here to learn about the one biggest mistake you can make when buying a solar system for your home !

Click here to learn more about grid intertie systems

Click here to download the 29 page PDF version of Buying A Photovoltaic Solar Electric System: A Consumer's Guide

Click here to learn about your state's solar incentive program in a nutshell !

Attention !

If you've received a quote from Home Depot®, any SunPower® dealer or from any dealer for that matter, bring it to us and we'll beat it hands down !

In fact in most cases we can save you thousands of dollars. Not only will we beat their price but you'll receive top of the line, name brand product and the service and support that you deserve !*


The Brand New Solar Power Tax Credit Is Here !

If you've been considering solar for your home or business, it's now time to celebrate ! After nearly a year of debates and nine previous attempts, Congress finally approved a bill that not only extends the Federal 30% tax credit for solar but also removes the $2,000.00 cap that existed on the previous residential tax credit. That's an incredible 30% with no cap for residential and commercial installations !

We're so sure that ours is the best product at the best price, that we'll beat any nationally advertised price on our same, in stock, top of the line solar system or your system is free.

6.24 DC kW Peak, High Performance Air Conditioner Solar Power System

After Your "Sunsational" Free Upgrade: 6.50 DC kW Peak




Only First Quality, Big Brand Name, High Performance Products !

Astronergy 240 Watt Solar Panel

List Price $27,753.85

Sale Price

(Price Before Our Discount Or Any State Rebate Or The Tax Credit)

 SCE Customers if you haven't already submitted your application for the $350.00 per AC kilowatt cash rebate, then unfortunately it's too late. The $350.00 per AC kilowatt SCE rebate has expired. The SCE rebate has now been reduced to $250.00 per AC kilowatt and will soon be reduced even further to $200.00 per AC kilowatt.

The Good News is that your timing couldn't be better because prices are up to 50% lower than what they were a year ago and for a limited time, We will help to make up the rebate you missed out on by offering our exclusive SolarGreenBacks $400.00 per AC kilowatt supplemental rebate. This brings your total rebate to $650.00 per AC kilowatt. And we did it without raising our low discount prices.

 Take advantage of our limited time SolarGreenBacks supplemental cash rebate of $400.00 per AC kilowatt and this will reduce the above posted sale price to:


For example for a limited time if you're in California's Edison service area, the above solar power system qualifies for a cash rebate of up to $1,402.89**

After applying SCE's rebate,
your final system price can be as low as :*


Apply the new 30% Federal tax credit with no cap and your final system cost can be as low as :*


If this system is being used for a commercial application then you may qualify for a Federal income tax credit of up to 30% with no maximum and a 5 year depreciation schedule.

Cash rebates are available in many states for the purchase of these solar air conditioner power systems. There is also a 30% tax credit available from the Federal government.

This SunArctic Air Conditioning Solar Power System Includes All Of The Following :

Qty. 26 Top Of The Line, Name Brand, Astronergy Solar, High Power Polycrystalline, CHSM 6610P 240 Watt, High Efficiency, True Grid Tie Class Solar Panels With A Better Negative Tolerance Rating, A Better PTC Rating And A 25 Year Manufacturer's Warranty And MC Connectors.

Ask Your Sales Representative How You Can Qualify For A Free Upgrade To The Brand New Astronergy Solar PS-250M-20/U 250 Watt ALL BLACK, Mono Crystalline Solar Panel With More Power, A 0% Negative Tolerance Rating, A 10 Year Workmanship Warranty, A 25 Year Power Production Warranty, And A Much Higher 16 % Efficiency Rating.

Qty. 1 Top Of The Line, German Made ST60240 Power Conversion Unit With Massive, Heavy Duty, Copper Wound Toroidal Output Transformer And Display.

Qty. 1 SunGuardian AC Compressor Motor Protection Unit.

Qty. 1 Set Of High Quality, IronRidge Solar Mounting Rails.

Qty. 1 Set Of High Quality IronRidge Top Mounting Clips, L Feet And Hardware.

Qty. 1 High Voltage DC Disconnect Switch.

Includes MC Quick Connect Plugs.

Includes Grounding Lugs.

Includes Electrical Line Drawings.

Includes a 10 year power conversion unit manufacturer's warranty and a 25 year solar panel manufacturer's warranty.

If you don't live in Edison territory, then click here to see what kind of financial incentives your state is offering.

Ask Your Sales Representative How You Can Qualify For The Following Free, "Sunsational" Bonus Pack Offer !

For A Limited Time Get A Free Upgrade To The New High Tech SolarEdge Inverter And Power Optimizers Or You May Keep The Original Inverter In This System !

After This Free Upgrade, The Inverter In This Kit Will Be Upgraded To A SolarEdge SE6000US And You'll Receive 26 SolarEdge OP250-LV Power Optimizer Units.

Hurry This Is A limited Time Offer !

Take advantage of this limited time
"Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer and you'll receive a free upgrade to the new ultra high efficiency SolarEdge inverter system and power optimizers. Click here for the benefits of using the SolarEdge inverter system.


Free Shipping !

Receive free shipping on this investment grade series, grid tie solar system when you take advantage of our "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer. Up to a $1,500.00 value. Click here for details.















Free Solar Module Upgrade !

After This Free Upgrade, The Solar Panels In This System Will Be Increased From 240 Watts To 250 Watts !

Astronergy Solar Panel 245 Watt Free Upgrade

Take advantage of our limited time
"Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer. you'll receive a free upgrade to Astronergy Solar's new high efficiency, poly crystalline, 250 Watt solar panel instead of the 240 Watt solar panel currently offered with these systems.

Download the Astronergy CHSM 6610P solar panel spec sheet




Free Desktop Remote !

Plus you'll receive a free Sunny Beam Bluetooth remote display and a Sunny Beam Piggy Back Card a $639.00 retail value. Works only with Sunny Boy inverters as part of our  "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer.



Free Rebate Processing Assistance !


Receive free assistance with filling out the State's rebate application. A $500.00 value as part of our "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer.




Free Residential Shingle Roof Flashings For Every L-Foot !

You'll receive a roof flashing for every L-foot in this system with our "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer. The use of flashings is the absolute best method for preventing leaks following the penetration of your roof during a solar system installation. Flashings insure that your installation meets or exceeds the roofing industry's best practices.





Free System & Roof Layout Design Assistance !

And finally as part of our "Sunsational" Bonus Pack offer, unlike the cookie cutter solar kits offered by many of our competitors, we'll provide you with free assistance with customizing your system's design and roof layout.











Click here for a quick, no obligation, no pressure, high
tech solar quote without the inconvenience of a salesperson in your home.

We Can Save You Thousands !

Power Production

After your free "Sunsational" upgrade, this 6,240 peak DC watt utility intertie system will be upgraded to a 6,500 peak DC watt utility intertie system that has a PTC rated output of 5,611.58 AC watts and with 5 hours of peak sunshine, this system will produce up to 841.74 kilowatt hours per month, with 6 hours of peak sunshine, this system will produce up to 1,010.84 kilowatt hours per month.***

Your site's average solar resource as well as its average peak sunshine hours and resultant system output will vary depending on your site's geographic location and other factors which are listed at the bottom of this page.***

Click here to view a map depicting U.S. annual average solar resource data measured in kilowatt hours per meter squared per day.

Click here to learn the difference between a solar panel's STC rating versus its PTC rating.

Why Let The Sun's Energy Bring You Down When You Can Let The Sun's Energy Cool You Down.

Reduce or even eliminate your air conditioner's annual energy consumption

Shades a portion of your roof thus reducing your home's heat load. This allows your air conditioner to work less, increasing its life expectancy.

Further reduces your electric bill by pulling your usage out the more costly "higher tier rates" that are Charged by many utility company's.

Reduces your carbon footprint while you go green saving you lots of green.

Qualifies for cash rebates in many states as well as the 30% Federal tax credit.

25 year solar panel warranty, a 10 year power conversion unit warranty and a 10 year solar panel mounting system warranty.

Year Round Energy Production For Your Summertime Air Conditioning Energy Consumption.




















An air conditioner uses energy for about 4 to 5 months out of the year.       
A solar system produces energy year round.

Your solar system will produce power year round while your air conditioner consumes power for only 4 to 5 months out of the year so why buy a whole house solar power system ?

A smaller system can easily reduce or eliminate your air conditioner's annual energy production and pull you out of the higher tier rates that the utility is Charging you for your electricity.




Our Astronergy Solar BIGGER Is Better Free Upgrade Sale Is On Now !

Take advantage Of Our Limited Time "Sunsational" Free Upgrade From The Astronergy Solar CHSM 6610P 240 Watt Solar Panel To The Brand New Astronergy Solar PS250M-20/U 250 Watt Series Solar Panel.

More Power: 240 Watts To 250 Watts !

Higher Efficiency: 14.6% To Over 15.2% !

Better Negative Tolerance: -3% to -0% !

Better Workmanship Warranty: 5 Years To 10 Years !

Better Return On Your Investment: For The Same Price !

Hurry, This Limited Time Offer Ends Soon.



We Challenge Anyone To Find A Higher Performance, Higher Quality, Better Priced Air Conditioner Solar Power System From Any Dealer In The Country.

Compare This System To Many Of Our Competitor's Offerings To Many Of Our Competitor's Offerings And You'll Find That We Offer:

  • A much larger rebate.

  • Top of the line name brand Astronergy Solar panels.

  • High efficiency Polycrystalline technology.
    (Upgraded to even higher efficiency Monocrystalline when you take advantage of our free Sunsational offer)

  • Solar cells that are cut from a solid ingot of silicon.

  • No Canadian Lower Efficiency UMG Solar Cells.

  • A better per Watt PTC rating.

  • A better negative tolerance rating.

  • High tech, IronRidge High Strength mounting rails.

  • No low efficiency thin film or thin cells in our solar panels.

  • No toxic cadmium in our solar panels.

  • And a much, much lower price than the competition.

With the cost of natural gas and electricity going through the roof, it is now time to start thinking about your energy budget as a whole.

You can't make your own gasoline and you can't make your own natural gas, but now you CAN make your own electricity. And the best part about it is that the fuel to make own electricity falls from the sky everyday for free. 

Thousands of utility customers throughout the U.S., who were tired of the high cost of operating their air conditioning systems have taken advantage of the huge rebates and tax credits which are available for the installation of solar energy systems on their homes and businesses.

For example, Southern California Edison is currently offering a cash rebate of up to $250.00 per AC kilowatt. And the Federal Government is offering a 30% tax credit with absolutely no cap residential and commercial applications. And unlike like the old solar energy systems of yesteryear that only produced hot water, these new systems actually produce electricity ! Clean reliable electricity to run air conditioners and many other appliances, all with free energy from the Sun.

Depending on the size system you choose and the number of loads you have running during the day, it is actually possible watch the power company's meter run backwards.

Since 1997 the staff here at Discount Solar Supply has developed an unmatched level of expertise in the design and implementation of systems that qualify for many State rebate programs. We offer free assistance in the design of your system, we can help you in locating a qualified, experienced contractor in your area and can even assist you with the submission of your rebate application to your State.

With more than 15,000 customers worldwide, we possess the knowledge, the experience and the strategic partnerships to make your transition into solar an experience that's not only enjoyable but also rewarding.


Only First Quality, Big Brand Name, High Performance Products !

Out Of Over 2,500 Solar Panels On The California Energy Commission's List Of Approved Solar Panels Using High Efficiency Crystalline Technology With A 3% Or Better Negative Tolerance Rating And A 25 Year Warranty, The Astronergy CHSM 6610P Solar Panel Is Rated In The Top 1% Of The Highest Per Watt PTC Ratings  !

And Even Outperforms The Per Watt PTC Ratings Of Names Like Sharp®, Auxin®, REC®,  Solon®, Kyocera®, And BP® Just To Name A few !

And A Higher PTC Rating Means A Bigger Per Watt Rebate And Higher PTC Performance Over The Life Of The System.

Click Here To Compare For Yourself



Only The Finest Available Products

With more than 1,000,000 power conversion units sold and operating worldwide, the proven technology that's used in the PCUs that we offer makes these units one of the best offerings available on today's market." Like a fine German crafted sports car, these units are engineered and built in Germany, the hotbed of the worlds finest renewable energy technology. We've taken this unbeatable German craftsmanship and reliability a step further by adding one of the world's highest performance solar panels available.

When it comes to purchasing a solar system for your home or business it is crucial that you take a very close look at the solar panels that the dealer is offering you. After all, solar panels are the workhorse of any solar system. Far too many consumers simply purchase what ever it is that a dealer happens to have available without even looking at a specification sheet. Performance that is lacking by just a few percentage points or an inferior warranty can make all the difference in the world over the expected life of a solar panel.

With more than ten years of experience operating our own state of the art, in-house solar repair center, we know what technologies perform well in the real world and what technologies do not.

 Over the years, we've seen expensive, name brand, solar panels fail only after a few months worth of use. We've even seen small U.S. manufacturer's solar panels fail soon after the manufacturer closed its doors leaving its customers with no warranty.

This is why it is important that you choose a solar panel manufacturer that is well established in the industry and has the financial strength to be there in the event that a warranty claim arises. This is exactly why we chose government owned Astronergy Solar for our ForeverChill series solar systems.

Reliable Solar Power That You Can Bank On


Location: Fayetteville, TN, USA
System Size: 3MWp
Completed: 2011


Location: Rovigo, Italy
System Size: 70 MWp(15MWp from Astronergy)
Completed: 2010


Location: South Burlington, VT, USA
System Size: 2.2MWp
Completed: 2011


Location: Eggstatt, Germany
System Size: 1.2MWp
Completed: 2010


With 2.1 Billion Dollars Of Revenue For 2008
Sumec Possesses The Financial Muscle To Back Their 25 Year Warranty

Astronergy Solar is an internationally renowned manufacturer of high power, monocrystalline and multicrystalline solar modules. Astronergy Solar was founded by the Sumec group one of the world's largest industrial firms with over $2.1 billion dollars in revenue for 2008.  Their high efficiency solar modules provide an extremely stable platform for decades worth clean, dependable, investment grade solar power which is ideal for use in commercial, industrial and residential applications.

Thin might be in when it comes to waistlines and the latest HDTV sets but when it comes to securing the bulk of your investment to the roof of your home you want the strongest mounting system made out of the highest quality aircraft grade aluminum that money can buy. The engineers at IronRidge understand this premise and we do too so we've added the finest mounting rack systems available today. IronRidge Solar Mounting Systems are unsurpassed in quality and durability, rated to withstand up to 125 miles per hour wind speeds, IronRidge ClickSys Mounts are engineered to last a lifetime.

Finally we top off our systems with the best price that you'll find anywhere. In fact, we're so sure that ours is the best deal available, that we'll beat any nationally advertised price on our same, in stock, top of the line systems or your system is free.

Unlike other dealers that will sell you a barebones system, our premium quality kits include everything you see listed above.

Solar Panel Comparison

California and other states have adopted a much more stringent system to rate real world performance of solar panels. This rating system assigns what is known as a PTC (PVUSA Test Conditions) rating to each solar panel that is approved for use in their rebate programs.

This rating system was developed to test and compare PV systems as part of the PVUSA (Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications) project.

The PTC rating, which is lower than the STC (Standard Test Conditions) rating, is generally recognized as a more realistic measure of PV output because the test conditions better reflect "real-world" solar and climatic conditions, compared to the STC rating.

California and other states have adopted a much more stringent system to rate real world performance of solar panels. This rating system assigns what is known as a PTC (PVUSA Test Conditions) rating to each solar panel that is approved for use in their rebate programs.

This rating system was developed to test and compare PV systems as part of the PVUSA (Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications) project.

The PTC rating, which is lower than the STC (Standard Test Conditions) rating, is generally recognized as a more realistic measure of PV output because the test conditions better reflect "real-world" solar and climatic conditions, compared to the STC rating.

According to the California Energy Commission, Click Here To Compare For
Yourself our Astronergy Solar CHSM 6610P 240 Watt panel has a higher per Watt PTC rating than all of the following solar panels. Which means that in California and other states, watt for watt you'll get a bigger rebate with the Astronergy Solar 240 than with any of the solar panels listed below.

The Sharpâ ND And NU Series 187 through 235 Watt panels.

The SunPowerâ BLK-U Series 200 through 225 Watt panels.

The REC ScanModule AB 205 through 225 Watt panels.

The Kyoceraâ 180 Through 210 Watt Solar Panels.

The BPâ BP3210N and BP3220N solar panels.

The Auxinâ 165 and 175 solar panels.

The Solar Tech Powerâ 210 through 240 Watt panels.

The Evergreenâ Spruce Lineâ 150 through 175 Watt panels.

The Advanced Renewable Energyâ 210 through 240 Watt panels.

The ASUN Energyâ 190 through 210 Watt panels.

The CA Solarâ 155 through 180 Watt panels.

The Ecosolargyâ 165 through 185 Watt panels.

The Green Powerâ 165 through 260 Watt panels.

The DelSolarâ 210 through 240 Watt panels.

The Ningboâ Solar Electric Power Company 150 through 240 Watt panels.

The Ligitek Photovoltaic Companyâ 210 through 240 Watt panels.

The Apollo Solar Energyâ 190 through 210 Watt panels.

The ET Solar Industryâ 165 through 280 Watt panels.

The Alpsâ ATI-1750 165 through the ATI-2000 240 Watt panels.

The Aleo Solar AGâ 165 through 240 Watt panels.

The Andaly Solarâ LP Series 180 Through 210 Watt Solar Panels.

 Which means that in California, watt for watt you'll get a bigger rebate with This Astronergy Solar Panel than with any of the solar panels listed above.

And according to the following manufacturer's own specification sheets, the Astronergy Solar CHSM 6610P 240 Watt panel offers a better negative tolerance rating than much of the Sun Powerâ line of solar panels and The Sharpâ ND And NU Series 187 through 235 Watt panels. A better negative tolerance rating means that you are guaranteed in writing of getting more of the power that you paid for.

The Astronergy Solar CHSM 6610P also offers a warranty that is 5 years longer than the Mexican made Sanyoâ 180 through 205 watt panels and most of the Kyoceraâ 170 through 210 Watt panels.

"The single most important criteria when choosing a solar panel is not price nor is it performance. It's the financial strength of the manufacturer behind the solar panel's guarantee."

Thousands of U.S. consumers will make the same mistake this Summer that so many have made in the past of trying to save a few pennies per Watt by buying non name brand solar panels without ever looking into the manufacturer's history or even its current financial status.

Click Here to learn more about warranties

And unlike many competitor's solar powered air conditioner systems, there are no expensive batteries to add every few years and there is no need to change out your existing air conditioner system.

Click On This Map To See Your State's Solar Financial Incentives.

Click here to watch a video of one of our New York customer's electric meter actually spinning backwards after installing one of our systems.

Be sure to turn your speakers up, you've got to see and hear this.

A Solar Electric System May Actually Increase Your Home's Value

A study by ICF Consulting which was funded by the Housing and Urban Development Department and the EPA concluded that energy saving measures such as solar can add $20.00 of home value for every $1.00 in yearly energy cost savings.

Click here to view a reprint of ICF Consulting's report titled : Evidence Of Rational Market Valuations For Home Energy Efficiency. Where the $20.00 increase for every $1.00 in yearly energy costs savings is explained.

Our ForeverChill series grid interactive air conditioner solar power systems are perfect for reducing your monthly electric bill. No batteries are needed because this system utilizes a grid intertie power conditioning unit. You'll actually become a mini power company selling power back to your utility company while the sun is shining. If your power production exceeds your power consumption, depending on the type of meter you have you will be able to actually watch your meter run backwards, what a sight !

Call toll free at 541-829-3892 for further information concerning this system.


Many states as well as local municipalities permit the home owner to perform a self installation of this system as long as the system is installed according to current NEC electrical codes. Although this may be permitted, Discount Solar Supply highly recommends that the installation of this system be performed only by a licensed electrician.

Installation of the above listed system exposes the installer to voltages and currents that are considered lethal and can cause injury or even death if not installed properly. The decision to self install any part of this system is entirely up to the consumer's discretion. Discount Solar Supply assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, consequential or incidental, which might arise out of the installation or use of any of these products. Self installation of any of the above listed products shall be entirely at the user's risk.

This is a limited time offer. No layaways or rain checks. Only one system per household, person or business at this specially discounted price. Sorry no exceptions.

System only includes the items that are listed above. System does not include lag bolts, bare copper grounding wire or AC circuit breakers.
These inexpensive items will differ from installation to installation and should be supplied by the installation contractor once he or she has determined your specific requirements based on the assessment of your site.

*The above system price does not include sales tax or installation.
If you live in California then sales tax will apply to the base price. The average installation rate for the above system is approximately $1.00 to $2.00 per Watt. This installation estimate does not included permit fees or unusual engineering requirements. Tax credit amounts are approximations. Please see your tax preparer to make sure that you qualify for this tax credit in the manner in which it has been presented here. Shipping is extra.

***Peak sunshine is defined as sunshine which is available during clear sky conditions between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM. The 5 to 6 hour peak sunshine energy production examples depicted above are meant for reference purposes only, and are typical only for certain areas of Southern California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Your site's number of peak sunshine hours and thus your system's performance will vary depending on factors such as, geographic location, the angle at which your solar panels are tilted, time of year, degree of annual cloud cover, pollutants in the air, dirt and guano (bird droppings) build up on the solar modules, time of day, solar module age, obstacles to sunlight such as trees and buildings, and the direction that the solar modules are pointed at.

**(Your rebate amount may vary depending on expected system performance and will be calculated based on equipment ratings and installation factors, such as geographic location, solar module tilt angle and azimuth angle and shading.) Please note that many states and or utilities will use the the AC rating of the your system's equipment and not the DC rating of your system's equipment when determining the amount of your rebate. The AC rating of your equipment is typically calculated by multiplying the PTC rated output of your solar panels by the number of solar panels multiplied by the CEC weighted efficiency of your inverter, multiplied by your system's design factor which is based on module tilt angle, azimuth angle, shading and geographic location, multiplied by the current per AC watt rebate amount. Please contact your state or utility company to determine equipment ratings and exactly how your rebate will be calculated and what your rebate amount will be. In the event that you have paid Discount Solar Supply a deposit or have paid in full for the purchase of a grid tie solar system and you are unable to secure an approval on your rebate reservation from your state or utility company’s rebate administrator, we hereby agree to issue you a full refund of your deposit or a full refund of the full payment that you made to us toward the purchase of your solar system so long as the product has not been shipped to you. In the event that you have paid in full and your solar system’s components have already been shipped to you and you are unable to secure an approval of your rebate reservation from your utility company’s rebate administrator, Discount Solar Supply hereby agrees to issue you a full refund of the full payment minus shipping costs, upon the return of the solar system’s unused, undamaged equipment so long as said equipment is returned to our warehouse within 30 days of its delivery to your site. Please note that as a courtesy, Discount Solar Supply offers free assistance to its customers in filling out their rebate applications but assumes no liability or responsibility for securing a rebate for you nor any liability or responsibility for securing any specific rebate amount. For this reason Discount Solar Supply highly recommends that you wait until you have received your rebate reservation confirmation before taking delivery of your solar system’s components. If you have paid in full for your solar system and have not yet received an approval for your rebate reservation, Discount Solar Supply will store your solar system for you at no charge until you have received your rebate reservation approval.

*** Your home value increase results if any, may vary significantly from this example. To determine the actual amount that your home might appreciate after installing this solar electric system, please consult a licensed appraiser. Information concerning ICF's findings is being presented for informational purposes only. The decision as to whether or not to include these finding when calculating any return on investment or payback time is solely up to the consumer. Discount Solar Supply is not in the business of accessing home values and hereby makes no claim whatsoever regarding the accuracy or validity of the ICF report.

++Discount Solar Supply maintains a nationwide list of contractors/installers that may be provided to our customers upon request solely as a convenience. Discount Solar Supply is not a contractor and as such we do not sub-contract installation services to anyone. In addition we do not make contractor/installer recommendations. And as always, we highly recommend that you always verify that any contractor or installer that you are considering possesses the necessary licensing, certification, bonding and insurance. In addition, always check references before signing any contact. The decision to use any contractor/installer on this list is entirely at your own risk. Should you decide to use any contractor/installer from this list, you hereby agree that Discount Solar Supply under no circumstance shall be held liable for the following: (1) third-party claims against you for damages; (2) loss of, or damage to, your person or property; or (3) economic consequential damages (including lost profits, savings or interest paid) or incidental damages even if we are informed of their possibility.

The trademarks named in this website are the property of their respective owners and have no relation to Discount Solar Supply

Unless you are purchasing a battery back up grid tie solar system that includes batteries and a specially designed grid tie battery back up inverter and have connected that system to a subpanel that is isolated from your site's main electrical panel, then as required by law, this solar system as well as the majority of solar systems that are offered on this website will deactivate in the event of a power failure whether or not the sun is shining. The vast majority of grid tie solar systems that are sold in the U.S. are designed to operate in this way. If you require backup power during a power failure then please ask your sales representative to quote you on a solar system that includes batteries and an inverter has been specifically designed to provide backup power during a power outage. 

The financial incentives that are presented here are for informational purposes only and may change or be eliminated by the government or utility or other entity without notice at any time. Discount Solar Supply makes no representation as to the accuracy of the financial incentives that are presented here and highly recommends that the consumer contact the entity that is offering these financial incentives to confirm their availability before making a purchase.

All final purchase pricing that is quoted to you or that is posted on this website has had the SolarGreenBacks discount applied. The SolarGreenbacks discount does not apply to dealer pricing nor does it apply to any pricing other than our posted sale price. Please note that as indicated on our website by the statement "Prices After SolarGreenBacks Discount", some posted pricing has already had the SolarGreenBacks discount applied. In all cases, the SolarGreenBacks discount is always applied only at the time of purchase and not later. Click for details

Prices subject to change without notice.

******Illustrations may not be to exact scale or shape. Illustrations depicting competing products are not representative of any particular manufacturer's brand or model. The photos that are depicted above, if any, are of large ground mount, multi-megawatt solar installations and are not meant to illustrate the specific products that are included in this particular system. The products that are included in the system are listed above under the heading: "The xxxx System Includes All Of The Following:"

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